Unknown direction…
Where would this world take her? More apt, however, would be the question: where would she take this world or the next? Even in her decade-plus roaming her plane of existence, she has amazed most. There are always the standard pleasantries and platitudes of “She’s so smart,” and “What a joy,” which any parent wants to hear — and often carelessly spouts off themselves in the usual situations where such phrases are expected to be uttered, regardless of the child at topic. But objectively speaking, if that is even possible as a parent when thinking about their own spawn, she was different in most of the best ways. High intelligence — both emotional and intellectual. Great manners when they mattered most. Selfless kindness towards others — especially for those who needed the most protection or love. Her peers — blood or stranger — rarely showed the same levels of depth at this age, or any other stage for that matter. She examined the rocks in the puddle while twirling a cardinal feather between her thumb and pinky. A eagle dismounted its perch and screamed from the opposite bank of the river. “I know what I want to do next today,” she said, never breaking her intense study of the submerged rocks at her feet. That would do for now.